How to Make Powerpoint Presentation Into a Handout TUTORIAL

How to Make Powerpoint Presentation Into a Handout

PowerPoint allows you lot to hands create handouts to share with the audience after the presentation. You can also export your presentation with slides and notes to Discussion for further editing and formatting. Yous tin find out how this all works and how you can print out the handouts at the cease in this blog mail.

    Table of contents

Format & print handouts without notes


To exercise this, go to "Handout Master" under "View". In that location you can format your handouts in the same way for all pages with only a little piece of work. Exist it the orientation of the handouts, how many slides per page, header and footer as well as the colour and font. Under "Close master view" you tin can close it again and return to the normal view with the slides.
open handout master
close handout master


If you desire to print the handouts, you have to get to "Print" under "File". When doing and then, you take to choose a format under "Full page slides" in the group "Handouts", how many slides you want to have per folio, and yous can print your handouts.
print the handouts out

Format & impress handouts with notes


Nevertheless, if you lot want to provide your audition with even more information, you can easily write and format your notes while creating the presentation. You will observe this function nether "View" in "Notes Page".

edit the notes


If yous want to brand them available to the audition, you can easily print them out. All yous have to do is select "Notes folio" instead of "Full page slide" in the print settings.

print the notes out

Exporting and editing handouts in Word

If you would prefer to edit your handouts in Word, you must go to "File", select "Export" and then "Create Handouts". A dialogue box volition appear where you tin select the desired folio layout, so click on "Ok". A new Word file opens automatically, which you lot can edit and format as yous like.
export the handout in word
confirm the export

When exporting a PowerPoint presentation to Discussion, a lot of retention is used. Therefore, this process tin can as well have for a while. If you get the fault message "PowerPoint could not write to Microsoft Word", try restarting your figurer.

Share slides digitally with the audience

Press handouts for every attendee is cumbersome and also non quite environmental friendly. A much meliorate solution is using SlideLizard (a cool software for live audition interaction in PowerPoint) for your presentations. Attendees can join your talk with their smartphone (or Laptop) and see your slide live during the presentation. They can also browse previous slides and equally well download the slides direct as a PDF (if yous allow it).

In addition, participants can take private notes on their own smartphones direct within SlideLizard. These notes remain linked to the slides and at the end of the presentation all participants receive their own notes via electronic mail. Moreover, attendees can marker the most important slides with a star to find them more easily later. Live polls & quizzes are also possible with SlideLizard. You can attempt SlideLizard for free today!


How do I create handouts in PowerPoint?

To create handouts in PowerPoint go to "Handout Chief" in the "View" tab. You can format your handouts for all pages there.

How practice I impress handouts from PowerPoint?

To print your handouts you have to go to "Print" in the "File" tab. You can then choose how many slides you desire per page under "Full folio slides" in the "Handouts" grouping.

Miriam supports SlideLizard in the surface area of marketing and design. There she uses her inventiveness for blog posts, amidst other things.


How to Make Powerpoint Presentation Into a Handout TUTORIAL

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